Wednesday, March 18, 2009

You'd better be googling porn!

So, sadly, Natasha Richardson (I know her as the mom from the remake of Parent Trap & the wife of Liam Niesen) died today from injuries from a ski trip. It was a freak accident - she didn't hit anyone else and was laughing afterwards, but it did cause a hemmhorage in her brain, which they didn't catch until it was too late. That's fine, sad - cover it on the news. BUT - Seriously?? SERIOUSLY?? A picture of a brain hand drawn with magic markers? It's not as if this was completely unexpected - she was in critical condition for at least 24 hours previously. You couldn't have come with a computer drawn example? Even I knew what was going on and I've only had 1 neuro class! Another reason why Fox News is... yeah.

Of course, we can't let a little death get us down. In fact, Camden immeditately turned the story around into a team name ("Natasha Richardson avoids Parent Trap, but not death trap") but we didn't actually use it. Things started off slow - we didn't do so hot with movie lines, but as usual we killed in the nerd round. I even taught Duffy the obnoxious "nerd round!" voice so he could annoy everyone when I'm not around. It was fun - not as good as old times (Mary wasn't there!! :( ) but I have high hopes for next time I can make it on a Wednesday! We got 2nd, and we won for team name. I'll be back to dominate Dallas next week ;) This week there was a wing-off for 2nd, and Jenn did it, but she chocked (literally!) so she took 3rd place. She still beat some dude! Here's a bonus picture of that :)


  1. Aww poor Jenn! What a champ, though, I love spicy food but those suckers are HOTT. Too hot for me!

  2. I hate that picture because it captures the fact that my life was indeed flashing before my eyes. If I ever do it again, I'll chew more!
