Thursday, March 26, 2009

Those 3 words

We got to watch Dirty Jobs in class - woohoo! Mike Rowe! Unfortunately, even he wasn't enough to keep me awake. Speaking of awake, I got the results of my sleep study back, and.... basically I heard the same 3 words I hear from most doctors - "I don't know." It appears that I am, in fact, a medical anomaly. The results indicate that I wake up several times during the night due to breathing problems - and it appears that I have some new form of sleep apnea - not really obstructive, especially b/c I don't snore, and not really central. So...why do I stop breathing??? Also, I had a bunch of PLM which could be a factor, as well. And basically I had horribly fragmented sleep. Dr. said this is almost never seen in "people my age" - and even when it is seen in old people, it's usually secondary to other stuff. Awesome! Thanks Mom and Dad for the awesome sleep genes. Anyway, I went to Fieldwork and then to Lindsey's to watch Twilight again. Even though it's kind of dumb (there are definitely some wtf moments), I still like it! Although I MUST disagree with the box, which claims that it's "the greatest epic romance since Titanic!" - yeah, right!

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