Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I can't remember all the times I tried to tell myself to hold onto these moments as they pass

It's the eve of the first day of my last semester of classes in grad school. I have mixed emotions about this - on the plus side, it's good to get it started b/c once it does, it will surely fly by, and once it does, I'll be ready for my big SF adventure, and then FW II. I am excited to see my friends, too. I can't believe how fast it has all happened - I still remember sitting in the auditorium praying that I made the right decision. I'm sad, because of course after spending time here in Big D, there are people I love here. I love hanging out with Lindsey on weeknights, drinking wine and bitching about whatever - watching movies and making snarky comments (ok, maybe just Twilight)and playing with her pets. I also love having my dad at trivia, and just being able to run to my parents house for a few hours. Of course my sister made the terrible mistake of buying a house in Dallas (who told her to do that?! ;) ) so I won't get to see her as much, either.
I think my Dallas friends just need to move to Austin - that would solve lots of my mixed emotions!

This last semester - bleh - who knows what to expect? At least at this point I know I'll survive. I think.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010: return of the blog?

Ok, so I am sad I lost interest in my blog less than 6 months in, but the New Year is a clean slate, so I thought I'd try again. I realized my blog was sort of therapeutic for me, but after awhile I didn't neet the "therapy", and I think that's why it trailed off.

2009 ended in a good but interesting way. I spent it with some of my favorite people, including Jenn.
We went to Clare and Anthony's, ate too much food, drank way too much alcohol, and had a good time.

The next day we woke up late watched "I didn't know I was Pregnant", and then went over to Ben's to watch the Rose Bowl. It was fun, but by the time it was 4th quarter I was so sleepy! We went home and took a nap, and then decided to take Jenn to Common Interest. Duffy met up with us, and by the time we had had a few drinks and felt prepared to sing, the wait was really long. There's a "game room" that has pool tables, and we also discovered a private karaoke machine, so we got to sing some songs by ourselves. Finally it was our turn, and Jenn and I sang "Sweet Caroline". The audience loved it and they all sang along - it was definitely one of my best karaoke moments ever!

So far a good start to the year...let's see what else happens.