Monday, February 2, 2009

I'm never eating at this location again!

Today was a slow day, so here are some random facts about me:

- When I was a kid I wanted to be a wedding coordinator. I used to buy bridal magazines and make up entire imaginary weddings. I saw an ad for this place and thought it would be the coolest honeymoon EVER.
- The more I learned about airplanes in Physics, the more I believed that magic makes them fly. I keep thinking at some point the plane I'm on is going to realize, "Wait, I can't fly!"
-I still have a baby tooth. There wasn't a permanent tooth under it, so it's just kind of hanging out. This is a genetic thing that I got from my dad's side. However, my gums are receding on the roots, and supposedly it's going to fall out soon. I'm supposed to go to the oral surgeon to get it replaced with an implant, but I can't for awhile because insurance won't pay for it.
- If there was ever any doubt that my parents were in fact my parents, you can look at me and tell - my mom and dad are definitely my biological mom and dad!
- I'm pretty sure a lot of people in my OT class don't really like me, but I don't know why. I guess that's their loss.
- When I was little, my favorite colors were purple and pink. My sister's was yellow. For some reason my parents painted my sister's room pink, and mine yellow. I did get lavender blinds, though.
- My room also had horrible green, brown and orange wallpaper on the CEILING. It was there when they moved in, and when we were selling the house my dad painted over it. I don't know why he didn't do that in the first place!
- I constantly disprove Darwin - if he was really really right, I would have died about 15 times now.
- I believe in evolution and the Bible. If God created us to adapt, why not evolve? He can do anything!
- On November 4, 2008 I was both proud of and disappointed in America. Proud that we did something I thought might not ever happen, and disappointed in the reactions of some people.
- My first college roommate had a crush on then-undiscovered James Franco. Every time I see him in a movie, I think of her!
- I get really obsessed with things for awhile, then drop them and never look back. For example, TV shows: Jeff Corwin, Trading Spaces, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, What Not to Wear (although I do still watch this one from time to time)... there are a bunch like that.
- I don't have a favorite color, really.
- My sister trained me well - I much prefered to watch her play Ninetendo rather than play myself!
- I can't stand things touching my ears. Seriously, you may think it's funny to touch them just to see, but you WILL get punched. I can't defend my actions if ears are involved :)
- In the summer if I've been wearing flip flops I can't get into bed until I have washed my feet.

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