Monday, February 9, 2009

Go Go, Go Carefully

*Sirens blare, lights flash* ATTENTION! Gomez has a new CD coming out March 31. For those of you who don't know, Gomez is one of the most awesome bands ever, from England. If you don't know them - you should get to know them. Start here - they're giving a free download of a song from their new album. Go Go, Go Carefully and download it here: http://www. gomeztheband. com/

The coffee cup to the left...well, I needed a picture of the day. This is Anna's new coffee cup. It does not leak. The insulation is still inside the cup. It doesn't have a handle. On Friday night Michelle mentioned that she and the posse (my words, not hers!) hated seeing Anna drink out of her broken cup, so she bought Anna a new one - wow, that was really nice! I think her ulterior motive was that combined Anna and I have spilled no less than 4 times in class. So maybe they thought Anna was totally to blame for all of those. Haha, just kidding - but I thought it was funny that she did indeed bring a new cup for her. Yay! I'm pretty content with my spill-resistant owl cup. Even if it is 1/2 the size of a normal carafe.

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