Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I'm gracious in victory, losers!

Once again, we are the champions, my friends. We took a 9.5 point lead over second place, which only had a .5 lead over third, which only had a 1 pt lead over 4th. So we pretty much dominated, even without getting the points for the team name. Ours was "No wonder Michael Phelps ate 12,000 calories a day - he had the munchies" I believe this win puts us at 3 wins out of 5 in 2009, which basically makes us the BWPG of Dallas.

That's all from my front - hopefully something interesting will happen in the next few days :)


  1. That's a stupid team name. Should have gone with the christian bale story.

  2. Cam can't say anything because he was being "mono-riffic" last night and didn't come to Austin trivia. Also a good portion of TToA was out of the country the first week of January so IDK if you can even count that as a loss. BUT it's awesome that Austin and Dallas are both 3 of 5 in 2009!! Do you think we're taking this too far?

  3. I don't think we're taking it far enough :)
