Sunday, February 22, 2009

I am 99% sure that that is not the real Ben Franklin

Today was one of those wasted days - I was so tired all day I just didn't feel like doing anything. So I did the bare minimum of homework I need to do to stay above the water, and barely got dressed. Also, Jenn left a tres leches cake from the party here, so...evil evil cake is going to school tomorrow. Mark and I went for a walk (AH! Natural light!!)hence the picture of ducks. Oh, AND I saw a duck trying to mount another duck - either to reproduce or because he was a jerk. Or maybe it was both. Yes, I lead a very exciting life!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah we currently have an Eevil cake also. Dale made a strawberry cake for my grandma when she visited and the six of us didn't finish it so we brought the leftovers back here. BOOO!
