Thursday, January 29, 2009

Really? Already? (bonus blog)

I can't believe this has already happened. So soon, too! Less than a month out! I have lost my mojo. The last week's blogs SUCKED! I'm sorry - there was really nothing funny about those - perhaps I should have mentioned things like slyly trying to take a picture of the guy at trivia I have dubbed "sea captain", or how I almost fell down in the parking lot scraping off my car. Or of course there was yesterday when I knocked over a half full glass of tea in the middle of class and started giggling uncontrollably because Anna had knocked 2 things over earlier that lecture. Also, the fact that I am completely incapable of being on time. There was once a time when I had to leave my house at 7:10 - 7:10!!!! - to get to my 7:45 physio class on time - and sometimes I would leave a few minutes early and have time to stop at Starbucks! Anyway...yeah. Sorry - I hope February will be better!

1 comment:

  1. Just wait till you have'll always have some random, weird/boring thing to write about. :)
