Friday, January 16, 2009

I freaking love my friends!

Last night we decided to copy the Alamo Drafthouse (they were sold out, anyway!) and have our own make-shift Anchorman quote-a-long. It was great - there was popcorn, ice cream, and, of course, alcohol (not excessively, though!). We only knew some of the BIG lines, but that movie is awesome - it cracks me up everytime! Unfortunately for Mere and Dale, I dropped 3 of their ice cream sandwiches (there were 6 in the package!), one of which landed in the dog's water. ewwww. So I threw 2 of them away (depressing) and ate the one that landed on the counter. I'm so sorry!! And this is reason #2 they shouldn't allow people into their apartment.
Anyway, this morning I met up with some of my old co-workers for lunch. It was so nice to see them and hear their stories! Venus just had a beautiful baby girl, and it was fun hearing all about her new adventures in motherhood. I'm so proud of her - she's handling everything like a pro! It sounds like while things change, they pretty much stay the same, too - new names at work, same problems.
Afterwards, I finally used the rest of this gift certificate I got from work over a year ago and got a manicure. It's not usually my thing, but I guess it was nice. I love the color I picked though - it's a very dark plum color. Although, to be honest, she didn't do a great job and missed some spots on the edges. oh well - it was "free".
I also heard from one of my friends at school that he will not be returning in the spring. While I'm sad to hear this, I'm not exactly surprised for several reasons I won't go into. But he will definitely be missed! My allies are dwindling!
Yesterday I went to BodyJam for the first time in months. It was really great, actually - a minute after I got there I was already sweating and my heart was pounding, but it's one of the few ways to workout that I actually look forward to. I started going in Dallas, but I got really impatient because the instructors did the same routine the entire time between launches, which is about 3 months. Usually in Austin they'll switch it up every few weeks by going back to older routines and so forth, so your bodies don't plateau and so nobody gets bored. Anyway, once school started my patience wore really thin and I pretty much quit Flow and Jam altogether. So back to yesterday - I didn't exactly get emotional, but I realized how much I had been missing this. I'll probably give Dallas another try, just to see if anything has changed, but I definitely want to start going back to the gym - I just feel better about myself when I go, and my body is happier!
Tomorrow is wine party - yay!!!

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