Friday, May 14, 2010

Watch out, Tuscon, here we come!

We left Roswell before 8 and headed to White Sands. I went here when I was young, but I don't remember it too much except I was excited that Boys II Men had filmed a video ("Water Runs Dry") there.  In fact, I had that song stuck in my head like the entire time we were there.  It's basically an area of NM that had pure white (Gypsum) sand dunes - random!  Some of the dunes have plants, but a lot of them don't, making them look like big snowy hills in the middle of a desert - except the snow is actually it's just a big white desert :)  Then we headed to Tucson and got there fairly early.  We went to Saguaro National Park (West) to see the giant cacti.  I have wanted to see these for a long time - particularly because I remember Spike, Snoopy's cousin, being friends with them and living in one.  Weird, I know.  But it definitely did not disappoint.  There were also lots of different animals and plants there, too.  We went to a local "mexican" (would say Tex-Mex except not Tex!) restaurant for dinner and it was kind of weird, but really good.  Who would have guessed green beans went with fajitas? 
I guess I should mention what we're doing to entertain ourselves in the car. Afterall, driving through the desert for 3 days gets old pretty quickly.  We listened to Simple Genius by David Baldacci - It's the 3rd book in a series about these 2 detectives and I have to say I am totally addicted to them.  Esp. when we moved on to a different book (shall remain nameless!) that is terrible! 
Animals seen on this day:
Coyote (dead)
more birds


  1. I love the cacti pics! And now I want to drive out West!

  2. You mean you guys did something other than figure out which states all of the rivers run through?! Shameful.

    Limed Minnows,

  3. I have some of the same types of pictures from the time Steve and I made a cross country trip from Washington state to Oklahoma. Roswell was so funny! And those sand dunes are huge! Looks like you had fun. :) Makes me remember some fun times....
