Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye, 2008

2008 was a crazy year for me - I went from full time to half time at my job, and took 10 hours at ACC to get my pre-reqs for school. I made some really cool friends there, too. In February we moved from our "luxury" apartments to the unknown up the road. Luckily, it turned out very well for us. I went to San Francisco in May, and ended up in the ER in June because I was really sick. June and July were hard because it was the first of many times when Mark and I were separated, and I had the opportunity for me to get acclimated to my new "home" in Dallas. August taught me that failure is not the end of the world. In September I started life as a full time graduate student - something I've always wanted and feared. I was fortunate enough to reconnect with some friends and people that are very important to me to help me on my new endeavor. Things were different than I expected, and many times I wondered why I was doing this. December brought disappointment, but also love and hope. So cheers, everyone - see you in 2009!

1 comment:

  1. WELCOME TO THE DARK SIDE! :-) Yay, Katie has a blog. 365 blogs are fun, I am gonna try to revive mine this year too. See you at Camden's in like 10 hours! xoxo
